

Play free — install the game and start playing! To download and install the desktop version of GWENT, you need to visit playgwent.com using a Windows-based PC. 2020/06/08 2019/04/10 『奪われし玉座』は、「ウィッチャー」の世界を舞台にした1人用カードバトルRPG。数々の選択肢によって分岐する物語と、個性豊かで深みを持ったキャラクター達が、怪物の蠢く「ウィッチャー」の世界へプレイヤーを再び呼び戻す。 2017/11/23


Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is a paid game app which lets you enjoy an adventure game of epic proportions that lets you face off an inevitable war for the two realms Build your war camp, explore your surroundings and gather supplies & resources, fight for some of them, train your troops. equip them with weapons and armor, boosts their strength … 2019/05/28 2018/10/23 2018/10/25 2018/11/11


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Play GWENT — a strategy card game of choices and consequences, where skill, not luck, is your greatest weapon. If you set your profile visibility to private, no one apart from you will be able to view the contents of your profile., no one apart from you will be able to view the contents of your profile.